Law Office

Legal & Business expertise

Criminal law
  • Advisory
  • General criminal offences
  • Defense before the courts throughout Austria
  • Accompaniment to police interrogations
  • Narcotics Act
  • Ankle bracelet
  • Early release
  • Private participation
  • Correctional law
Foreign Law
  • Divisory
  • Right of residence
  • Residence and entry ban
  • Proceedings before immigration authorities and residence authories
  • Defense and Appeal Process
  • Migration- Asylum and Integration law
  • Citizenship law
  • Family reunion
  • Marriage of convenience
Civil law
  • Traffic accident
  • Medical liability
  • Personal injury compensation
  • Compensations
  • Tenancy and right of residence 
  • Purchase contract
  • Neighbour dispute
Family law
  • Divorce
  • Asset allocation
  • Custody
  • Right of contact
  • Entertains
Administrative law
  • Commercial law
  • Driving license law
  • Administrative penalty
  • Alien Employment Act
Real estate law
  • Purchase contract
  • Land register
Corporate law
  • Company formation


Andreasgasse 4/15
A-1070 Wien


  • Mo – Thu
    9-12 | 13-16 Uhr
  • Fr
    9:00 | 14:30 Uhr

Email, Telefon & Fax

  • Telefon
    +43 1 51 30 138
  • Email
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Getting there

U3 Station Zieglergasse - Exit Andreasgasse - Mariahilferstraße